Have a great Summer and see you all next term...
Class 13 Home Learning Area
We made it to the end of term. I hope you had lots of fun trying out different learning activities. We are looking forward to seeing you again next term, back at Ceara.
Don't hesitate to email me if you have any questions and please send in some photos which I will post here, for all your class friends to see. ncordner131@c2kni.net
Check out the goodbye video below for all the leavers and the final assembly. Have a great summer.
Week 22 - 26 June
Learning Activities
Week 15 - 19 June
Healthy Lifestyles
Choose 1 or 2 activities per day from the videos below. Watch the staff doing it and and see if you can complete the challenge. And please send in a photo for the whole school video.
Try making some of these healthy eating recipes.
Learning activities Week 8 - 12 June
Here is a short yoga practice to do in the garden.
Watch carefully and see how many triangle shapes that you can make.
Weekly Activities 1 June - 5 June
Weekly Activities 26 May - 29 May
Weekly activities 18 - 22 May
English and Media.
Summer Song
Letter of the week
Watch these video with your kids.
Talk about counting in 2's, count pair around the house such as pairs of shoes or socks.
Science and technology
Class 13 had lots of fun doing the skittles experiment. Give it a go here using smarties and then try the other ideas on this short video.
Learning for Life and work
try to complete one activity daily with your child to bring happiness into their life, here is a list from Autism awareness.
Lets do yoga. Here is a video I made especially for you all.
Try out the Joe Wick 5 minute kids work out this week.
Free Online training for parents
Here is a free on line book on caronavirus to download and listen to.
Gina Davis is offering free online training for parents with Attention Autism, this will be really useful as the children of Ceara are familiar with this programme and love it. Click on this link to register. http://ginadavies.co.uk/parent-courses/?fbclid=IwAR0CrbbLf8KOtIx-2wQCfvptLM8YfBFzK571lTbfb7KOBS-Bgt5lXMdyp1s
If you would like to access the twinkl website and download some of the free resources here is a link to tell you how, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMNHN8JzwGQ The twinkle website address is https://www.twinkl.co.uk/offer and the password is CVDTWINKLHELPS
If you are interested in some online training for parents the Middletown Centre for Autism are running some very good online classes, Simply click on this link and register. https://www.middletownautism.com/
Here is parents guide to using numicom which is a popular resource for our kids at Ceara in supporting their understanding of number.
Weekly Activities 11 to 15 May
Circle time...
Good morning song
Days of the week song
Months of the year song
Summer Song
Song of the Week - cooking song
Letter of the week-Y
English and Media...
Use the symbols below to discuss the lock down with your child and ask them to point and find how they are feeling.
Here is a great website to help you find some fabulous music resources to do at home with your child.
Science and technology....
As we are at the start of the Great Ceara Bake Off it is appropriate to learn some kitchen science. Here is a link to making a fizzy lemon. All you need is a lemon, food colouring, baking soda and a fork. Just click on the link below and have fun exploring the reaction with your child.
Environment and society.....
I hope you enjoyed making some leaf rubbings last week. This week please look back at growing seeds. Below is an activity for sequencing the order of growing. See if your child can help you to put them in the correct order. You can also find this to print out on twinkl.
Weekly Activities 4 May- 8 May
Circle Time...
Good morning song
Days of the week song
Months of the year song
Spring Song
Song of the Week
Letter of the week-X
English and Media...
Science and Technology...
Bake some mud cup cakes with your child. Mix some mud and water and place in bun trays and decorate with with nature items. Make a prediction of how long it will take to dry. Leave in the sun to harden up. You can extend this learning by comparing what ingredients you might use is edible buns. Where would you cook the, and how you could decorate them.
Environment and society...
On your daily walk, see if you can find any of the objects on the spring checklist. Perhaps you would like to collect some for the various learning activities this week, such as:
PE and movement breaks...
And finally, here are some other outdoor learning ideas, to help you keep your child occupied.
Have fun learning!
Weekly Activities - 27 April - 1 May
Circle time....
The first three circle time songs remain the same as kids like repetition. I have added a new spring song and a short story about planting a seed, to introduce the growing activity. As well as the letter W song. These changes are in bold.
Good morning song
Days of the week song
Months of the year song
Spring Song
Peep and the Big Wide World: Peep Plants a Seed
Letter of the week-W
English and Media...
Science and technology....
Environment and Society....
This week we will look at the different animals in north America and their calls. Please watch the video link and talk about the animals, what is strange about them and how they sound.
See if you child can name of identify any of these north american animals
PE and movement breaks...
Art and craft....
This week try some foot print art. Make some foot prints and when they have dried simple turn them into animals.
And as always please do what you can, take time to enjoy the fresh air and feel free to send me some photos of this weeks learning activities and I will post them on this page to share with class mates.
Take care and be safe,
Enter text...
As you know your daily routines best, here is an alternative suggestion of how to structure your day.
Here is a useful web site which will give you extra timetabling ideas.
Weekly Activities - 20 April - 24 April
Circle time...
The first three circle time songs remain the same as kids like repetition. I have added a new spring song and a the Seven continents song, to introduce our new topic. As well as the letter V song. These changes are in bold.
Good morning song
Days of the week song
Months of the year song
Spring Song
Seven Continents Song
Letter of the week-V
English and Media...
Science and Technology....
Class 13 love science experiments. This experiment is how to inflate a balloon. (Joe may want to miss out this on!) Please click on the link, watch the video and see if you can recreate this experiment. You will need and empty plastic bottle, a balloon, vinegar, baking soda and a small funnel. ((you can make this using paper). Have fun.
Environment and society....
Watch this short video on the seven continents. Pause at 2 minutes in and discuss North America. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYYakyS_HOg
Talk about;-
Movement break...
Art and Craft....
Collect some leaves, flowers and petals, seeds, berries, pebbles and twigs and create a nature picture together. Here are some examples.
Please find below some fabulous virtual museum tours. Try the Roald Dahl tour and look out for all your favourite characters.
Weekly Activities 30 March - 4 April
English and Media...
Science and technology...
Environment and Society...
Movement breaks and mindfulness...
Art and Craft ...
Collect an empty plastic bottle from your home and make a junk art animal.
Learning for Life and Work....
Talk about the covid19 virus, how we would feel if we got sick and why we should socially distance from each other. Pay attention to how we want to protect the older people and people who get sick more often. Use the social story below to discuss these issues.
Have fun learning from home and having time to interact as a family.
All the previous weeks activities will remain listed below and can always scroll down to find links and activities that your child found interesting.
Take care and be healthy,
Weekly Activities - 23 March - 27 March
Circle time...
Choose a few songs from our regular morning song collection. Try to include the letter of the week and the song of the week.
Good morning song
Days of the week song
Months of the year song
Spring Song
Song of the week
Letter of the week-T
English and Media...
Science and technology...
Environment and Society...
Movement breaks and Mindfulness...
Art and Craft...
Learning for Life and Work...
Have a great Summer and see you all next term...
Class 13 Home Learning Area
We made it to the end of term. I hope you had lots of fun trying out different learning activities. We are looking forward to seeing you again next term, back at Ceara.
Don't hesitate to email me if you have any questions and please send in some photos which I will post here, for all your class friends to see. ncordner131@c2kni.net
Check out the goodbye video below for all the leavers and the final assembly. Have a great summer.
Week 22 - 26 June
Learning Activities
Week 15 - 19 June
Healthy Lifestyles
Choose 1 or 2 activities per day from the videos below. Watch the staff doing it and and see if you can complete the challenge. And please send in a photo for the whole school video.
Try making some of these healthy eating recipes.
Learning activities Week 8 - 12 June
Here is a short yoga practice to do in the garden.
Watch carefully and see how many triangle shapes that you can make.
Weekly Activities 1 June - 5 June
Weekly Activities 26 May - 29 May
Weekly activities 18 - 22 May
English and Media.
Summer Song
Letter of the week
Watch these video with your kids.
Talk about counting in 2's, count pair around the house such as pairs of shoes or socks.
Science and technology
Class 13 had lots of fun doing the skittles experiment. Give it a go here using smarties and then try the other ideas on this short video.
Learning for Life and work
try to complete one activity daily with your child to bring happiness into their life, here is a list from Autism awareness.
Lets do yoga. Here is a video I made especially for you all.
Try out the Joe Wick 5 minute kids work out this week.
Free Online training for parents
Here is a free on line book on caronavirus to download and listen to.
Gina Davis is offering free online training for parents with Attention Autism, this will be really useful as the children of Ceara are familiar with this programme and love it. Click on this link to register. http://ginadavies.co.uk/parent-courses/?fbclid=IwAR0CrbbLf8KOtIx-2wQCfvptLM8YfBFzK571lTbfb7KOBS-Bgt5lXMdyp1s
If you would like to access the twinkl website and download some of the free resources here is a link to tell you how, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMNHN8JzwGQ The twinkle website address is https://www.twinkl.co.uk/offer and the password is CVDTWINKLHELPS
If you are interested in some online training for parents the Middletown Centre for Autism are running some very good online classes, Simply click on this link and register. https://www.middletownautism.com/
Here is parents guide to using numicom which is a popular resource for our kids at Ceara in supporting their understanding of number.
Weekly Activities 11 to 15 May
Circle time...
Good morning song
Days of the week song
Months of the year song
Summer Song
Song of the Week - cooking song
Letter of the week-Y
English and Media...
Use the symbols below to discuss the lock down with your child and ask them to point and find how they are feeling.
Here is a great website to help you find some fabulous music resources to do at home with your child.
Science and technology....