Sloan Street, Craigavon, County Armagh, BT66 8NY
028 3832 3312

Welcome to Class 20 Home Schooling Page. 



This week is sports week! I hope you have fun trying out all the activities and challenges we have set. Take care and Stay safe remember to send me some photos!

Sports Day 2020
Healthy/Sports WB 15th June

Email Me...

Hello everyone I would love to hear how you are all getting on with the home learning activities, and see a few photos of the fabulous work your doing at home. I will post them on this page for us all to see each other again. Please email me on



Monday 1st June

Colour Week 1st June

Wednesday 27th May 2020

Hello everyone hope you are all well. This weeks theme is outside classroom so i

have added some ideas for you to complete. 

Outdoor Classroom

Ceara Bake off all donations in aid of PIPS...

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

Thank you to all who took part in the Ceara Bake off! We have raised over £600 pounds for PIPS! You are all superstars...



Take a Breath with Mrs Cordoner...

Yoga with Mrs Cordoner...

Daily Activities...


P.E. with Joe wicks @ 9am  daily link also found on this page 

Maths and Literacy from your home pack 

 Watch BBC Newsround.

 Education city activities -

 mindfulness -

 taking some pictures for your log - would love to see these when we are back at school.

remember sites like free will print these for free paying only for delivery.




Weekly Music Lessons from RiChmusicNI

Monday 18th May 2020


Good Morning everyone hope you are all well. Please find some new activities to complete this week. I will get speaking to you all at some stage during the week.

Thanks to all who has completed the bake off challenge! the competition is high but if your not in you can win.

This week is mental health awareness week and the theme is kindness! So our theme this week is looking after our mental health and being kind!

Activities filed below:


kindnessword search.pdf .pdf
mental health awareness powerpoint and activties.pptx .pptx
mental health powerpoint.ppt .ppt
mindfulness relaxing sounds.ppt .ppt

P.E with Laurence ! A simple task you can do at home with your family! 

Why not give it a go!

Monday 11th May 2020 

Good morning everyone please find some new activities for you to complete this week.  It was lovely to get speaking to some of you on the phone and glad you are all keeping well.

This week we continue the theme of Space please find activities filed below.


1.Watch the tube video ( about space and complete the solar system fact hunt

2.Complete the bubbling planets experiment and answer the bubbling planets questions

3.Give the space word search a go!

4. Don't forget to complete some of our daily activities


bubbling planets experiment.png .png
bubbling planets questions.png .png
planets comparison sheet.png .png
solar system fact hunt.png .png
space wordsearch.png .png

A message of hope from Mrs Bowles and her husband!

Previous activities.....

Welcome Back everyone please check for some new activities to complete this week.



Hello everyone please find some new activities for you to complete at home. If we where at school right now we would be starting our new topic Space! So I have added some Space themed activities this week. But feel free to complete your own research if you wish.

Do not worry if you where still completing something from last week this can be found further down this page.

This Weeks Activities  (all resources found in folder below)

Read the Story Back to earth with a bump

Complete the back to earth with a bump comprehension. (remember this can be written down or completed orally if you do not have a printer.)

Read the Space powerpoint and complete the label the planets activity

Make a space mobile - (draw your own planets if you cant print the template)

 Space Science Fun!

back to earth with a bump comprehension.pdf .pdf
back to earth with a bump powerpoint.ppt .ppt
back to earth with a bump story.pdf .pdf
label the planets activity.pdf .pdf
solar system mobile art.pdf .pdf
space powerpoint.ppt .ppt

Last weeks work just incase!


Hello Everyone I hope you all had a Nice Easter break and you are all safe and well. Please find some new activities for you to complete at home. Wednesday is Earth day so this week our theme is Recycling. Something you can all help with at home. Lets get to work in making our homes and the world a Safer greener place.

Please Email Me if you need anything or send me some work @

This weeks activities... 

 Read the story - The messy Magpie - can you look out for magpies in your garden, out your bedroom window or whilst your out on your daily walk.

Learn about recycling - read the Messy Magpie powerpoint

complete the messy magpie comprehension - if you do not have a printer you could copy this onto a page or read and write orally with your mum/dad /sister/ brother.

complete some of the activities suggested in the recycling activities word document - maybe you could make a recycling station in your home, take charge of the rubbish at home and make sure it goes in the right bin. Help to bring the bins out and in again on bin day.



messy magpie book.pdf .pdf
recycling comprehension.pdf .pdf
the messy magie pie powerpoint all about recycling.ppt .ppt
Week beginning 20th April recycling activities.docx .docx

Why not make a bird feeder to feed those magpies. you can use a recycled plastic bottle! Recycling at its best!

Weekly Art Activity

This week, try painting a Spring Nature Scene using some cotton buds.  Watch the video below to give you a step by step guide, or maybe just get some paint and some cotton buds and create your own flowers! You could also use other household items such as a sponge, toothbrush or cotton wool balls.  Have fun! 

Weekly Science Activity

Have a go at growing your own rainbow at home! All you need is some kitchen roll, some felt tip markers and some water.

Find a quiet safe place at home and take 10 minutes to practise some mindfulness 



Now for some baking... 


Homeschooling Log

free photos app

PE/Movement Break Activities


Todays PE with Joe.

Some more Ideas on keeping active - P.E

OutdoorActivityCards_ver_1.pdf .pdf
Physically Active Breaks.pptx .pptx
Roll a Workout Spinner.pdf .pdf
5 senses scavenger hunt.png .png
book scavenger hunt.png .png
garden scavenger hunt.png .png
indoor scavenger hunt.png .png
inventor scavenger hunt.png .png
maths scavenger hunt.png .png
rainbow scavenger hunt.png .png
spring scavenger hunt.png .png
martinasbuns.jpeg .jpeg
1 one to one.png .png
2 positivity.png .png
3 structure.png .png
4 bad behaviour.png .png
5 stress.png .png
6 talking about covid19.png .png
Sloan Street, Craigavon, County Armagh, BT66 8NY
028 3832 3312

Welcome to Class 20 Home Schooling Page. 



This week is sports week! I hope you have fun trying out all the activities and challenges we have set. Take care and Stay safe remember to send me some photos!

Sports Day 2020
Healthy/Sports WB 15th June

Email Me...

Hello everyone I would love to hear how you are all getting on with the home learning activities, and see a few photos of the fabulous work your doing at home. I will post them on this page for us all to see each other again. Please email me on



Monday 1st June

Colour Week 1st June

Wednesday 27th May 2020

Hello everyone hope you are all well. This weeks theme is outside classroom so i

have added some ideas for you to complete. 

Outdoor Classroom

Ceara Bake off all donations in aid of PIPS...

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

Thank you to all who took part in the Ceara Bake off! We have raised over £600 pounds for PIPS! You are all superstars...



Take a Breath with Mrs Cordoner...

Yoga with Mrs Cordoner...

Daily Activities...


P.E. with Joe wicks @ 9am  daily link also found on this page 

Maths and Literacy from your home pack 

 Watch BBC Newsround.

 Education city activities -

 mindfulness -

 taking some pictures for your log - would love to see these when we are back at school.

remember sites like free will print these for free paying only for delivery.




Weekly Music Lessons from RiChmusicNI

Monday 18th May 2020


Good Morning everyone hope you are all well. Please find some new activities to complete this week. I will get speaking to you all at some stage during the week.

Thanks to all who has completed the bake off challenge! the competition is high but if your not in you can win.

This week is mental health awareness week and the theme is kindness! So our theme this week is looking after our mental health and being kind!

Activities filed below:


kindnessword search.pdf .pdf
mental health awareness powerpoint and activties.pptx .pptx
mental health powerpoint.ppt .ppt
mindfulness relaxing sounds.ppt .ppt

P.E with Laurence ! A simple task you can do at home with your family! 

Why not give it a go!

Monday 11th May 2020 

Good morning everyone please find some new activities for you to complete this week.  It was lovely to get speaking to some of you on the phone and glad you are all keeping well.

This week we continue the theme of Space please find activities filed below.


1.Watch the tube video ( about space and complete the solar system fact hunt

2.Complete the bubbling planets experiment and answer the bubbling planets questions

3.Give the space word search a go!

4. Don't forget to complete some of our daily activities


bubbling planets experiment.png .png
bubbling planets questions.png .png
planets comparison sheet.png .png
solar system fact hunt.png .png
space wordsearch.png .png

A message of hope from Mrs Bowles and her husband!

Previous activities.....

Welcome Back everyone please check for some new activities to complete this week.



Hello everyone please find some new activities for you to complete at home. If we where at school right now we would be starting our new topic Space! So I have added some Space themed activities this week. But feel free to complete your own research if you wish.

Do not worry if you where still completing something from last week this can be found further down this page.

This Weeks Activities  (all resources found in folder below)

Read the Story Back to earth with a bump

Complete the back to earth with a bump comprehension. (remember this can be written down or completed orally if you do not have a printer.)

Read the Space powerpoint and complete the label the planets activity

Make a space mobile - (draw your own planets if you cant print the template)

 Space Science Fun!

back to earth with a bump comprehension.pdf .pdf
back to earth with a bump powerpoint.ppt .ppt
back to earth with a bump story.pdf .pdf
label the planets activity.pdf .pdf
solar system mobile art.pdf .pdf
space powerpoint.ppt .ppt

Last weeks work just incase!


Hello Everyone I hope you all had a Nice Easter break and you are all safe and well. Please find some new activities for you to complete at home. Wednesday is Earth day so this week our theme is Recycling. Something you can all help with at home. Lets get to work in making our homes and the world a Safer greener place.

Please Email Me if you need anything or send me some work @

This weeks activities... 

 Read the story - The messy Magpie - can you look out for magpies in your garden, out your bedroom window or whilst your out on your daily walk.

Learn about recycling - read the Messy Magpie powerpoint

complete the messy magpie comprehension - if you do not have a printer you could copy this onto a page or read and write orally with your mum/dad /sister/ brother.

complete some of the activities suggested in the recycling activities word document - maybe you could make a recycling station in your home, take charge of the rubbish at home and make sure it goes in the right bin. Help to bring the bins out and in again on bin day.



messy magpie book.pdf .pdf
recycling comprehension.pdf .pdf
the messy magie pie powerpoint all about recycling.ppt .ppt
Week beginning 20th April recycling activities.docx .docx

Why not make a bird feeder to feed those magpies. you can use a recycled plastic bottle! Recycling at its best!

Weekly Art Activity

This week, try painting a Spring Nature Scene using some cotton buds.  Watch the video below to give you a step by step guide, or maybe just get some paint and some cotton buds and create your own flowers! You could also use other household items such as a sponge, toothbrush or cotton wool balls.  Have fun! 

Weekly Science Activity

Have a go at growing your own rainbow at home! All you need is some kitchen roll, some felt tip markers and some water.

Find a quiet safe place at home and take 10 minutes to practise some mindfulness 



Now for some baking... 


Homeschooling Log

free photos app

PE/Movement Break Activities


Todays PE with Joe.

Some more Ideas on keeping active - P.E

OutdoorActivityCards_ver_1.pdf .pdf
Physically Active Breaks.pptx .pptx
Roll a Workout Spinner.pdf .pdf
5 senses scavenger hunt.png .png
book scavenger hunt.png .png
garden scavenger hunt.png .png
indoor scavenger hunt.png .png
inventor scavenger hunt.png .png
maths scavenger hunt.png .png
rainbow scavenger hunt.png .png
spring scavenger hunt.png .png
martinasbuns.jpeg .jpeg
1 one to one.png .png
2 positivity.png .png
3 structure.png .png
4 bad behaviour.png .png
5 stress.png .png
6 talking about covid19.png .png
Sloan Street, Craigavon, County Armagh, BT66 8NY
028 3832 3312

Welcome to Class 20 Home Schooling Page. 



This week is sports week! I hope you have fun trying out all the activities and challenges we have set. Take care and Stay safe remember to send me some photos!

Sports Day 2020
Healthy/Sports WB 15th June

Email Me...

Hello everyone I would love to hear how you are all getting on with the home learning activities, and see a few photos of the fabulous work your doing at home. I will post them on this page for us all to see each other again. Please email me on



Monday 1st June

Colour Week 1st June

Wednesday 27th May 2020

Hello everyone hope you are all well. This weeks theme is outside classroom so i

have added some ideas for you to complete. 

Outdoor Classroom

Ceara Bake off all donations in aid of PIPS...

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

Thank you to all who took part in the Ceara Bake off! We have raised over £600 pounds for PIPS! You are all superstars...



Take a Breath with Mrs Cordoner...

Yoga with Mrs Cordoner...

Daily Activities...


P.E. with Joe wicks @ 9am  daily link also found on this page 

Maths and Literacy from your home pack 

 Watch BBC Newsround.

 Education city activities -

 mindfulness -

 taking some pictures for your log - would love to see these when we are back at school.

remember sites like free will print these for free paying only for delivery.




Weekly Music Lessons from RiChmusicNI

Monday 18th May 2020


Good Morning everyone hope you are all well. Please find some new activities to complete this week. I will get speaking to you all at some stage during the week.

Thanks to all who has completed the bake off challenge! the competition is high but if your not in you can win.

This week is mental health awareness week and the theme is kindness! So our theme this week is looking after our mental health and being kind!

Activities filed below:


kindnessword search.pdf .pdf
mental health awareness powerpoint and activties.pptx .pptx
mental health powerpoint.ppt .ppt
mindfulness relaxing sounds.ppt .ppt

P.E with Laurence ! A simple task you can do at home with your family! 

Why not give it a go!

Monday 11th May 2020 

Good morning everyone please find some new activities for you to complete this week.  It was lovely to get speaking to some of you on the phone and glad you are all keeping well.

This week we continue the theme of Space please find activities filed below.


1.Watch the tube video ( about space and complete the solar system fact hunt

2.Complete the bubbling planets experiment and answer the bubbling planets questions

3.Give the space word search a go!

4. Don't forget to complete some of our daily activities


bubbling planets experiment.png .png
bubbling planets questions.png .png
planets comparison sheet.png .png
solar system fact hunt.png .png
space wordsearch.png .png

A message of hope from Mrs Bowles and her husband!

Previous activities.....

Welcome Back everyone please check for some new activities to complete this week.



Hello everyone please find some new activities for you to complete at home. If we where at school right now we would be starting our new topic Space! So I have added some Space themed activities this week. But feel free to complete your own research if you wish.

Do not worry if you where still completing something from last week this can be found further down this page.

This Weeks Activities  (all resources found in folder below)

Read the Story Back to earth with a bump

Complete the back to earth with a bump comprehension. (remember this can be written down or completed orally if you do not have a printer.)

Read the Space powerpoint and complete the label the planets activity

Make a space mobile - (draw your own planets if you cant print the template)

 Space Science Fun!

back to earth with a bump comprehension.pdf .pdf
back to earth with a bump powerpoint.ppt .ppt
back to earth with a bump story.pdf .pdf
label the planets activity.pdf .pdf
solar system mobile art.pdf .pdf
space powerpoint.ppt .ppt

Last weeks work just incase!


Hello Everyone I hope you all had a Nice Easter break and you are all safe and well. Please find some new activities for you to complete at home. Wednesday is Earth day so this week our theme is Recycling. Something you can all help with at home. Lets get to work in making our homes and the world a Safer greener place.

Please Email Me if you need anything or send me some work @

This weeks activities... 

 Read the story - The messy Magpie - can you look out for magpies in your garden, out your bedroom window or whilst your out on your daily walk.

Learn about recycling - read the Messy Magpie powerpoint

complete the messy magpie comprehension - if you do not have a printer you could copy this onto a page or read and write orally with your mum/dad /sister/ brother.

complete some of the activities suggested in the recycling activities word document - maybe you could make a recycling station in your home, take charge of the rubbish at home and make sure it goes in the right bin. Help to bring the bins out and in again on bin day.



messy magpie book.pdf .pdf
recycling comprehension.pdf .pdf
the messy magie pie powerpoint all about recycling.ppt .ppt
Week beginning 20th April recycling activities.docx .docx

Why not make a bird feeder to feed those magpies. you can use a recycled plastic bottle! Recycling at its best!

Weekly Art Activity

This week, try painting a Spring Nature Scene using some cotton buds.  Watch the video below to give you a step by step guide, or maybe just get some paint and some cotton buds and create your own flowers! You could also use other household items such as a sponge, toothbrush or cotton wool balls.  Have fun! 

Weekly Science Activity

Have a go at growing your own rainbow at home! All you need is some kitchen roll, some felt tip markers and some water.

Find a quiet safe place at home and take 10 minutes to practise some mindfulness 



Now for some baking... 


Homeschooling Log

free photos app

PE/Movement Break Activities


Todays PE with Joe.

Some more Ideas on keeping active - P.E

OutdoorActivityCards_ver_1.pdf .pdf
Physically Active Breaks.pptx .pptx
Roll a Workout Spinner.pdf .pdf
5 senses scavenger hunt.png .png
book scavenger hunt.png .png
garden scavenger hunt.png .png
indoor scavenger hunt.png .png
inventor scavenger hunt.png .png
maths scavenger hunt.png .png
rainbow scavenger hunt.png .png
spring scavenger hunt.png .png
martinasbuns.jpeg .jpeg
1 one to one.png .png
2 positivity.png .png
3 structure.png .png
4 bad behaviour.png .png
5 stress.png .png
6 talking about covid19.png .png
Sloan Street, Craigavon, County Armagh, BT66 8NY
028 3832 3312

Welcome to Class 20 Home Schooling Page. 



This week is sports week! I hope you have fun trying out all the activities and challenges we have set. Take care and Stay safe remember to send me some photos!

Sports Day 2020
Healthy/Sports WB 15th June

Email Me...

Hello everyone I would love to hear how you are all getting on with the home learning activities, and see a few photos of the fabulous work your doing at home. I will post them on this page for us all to see each other again. Please email me on



Monday 1st June

Colour Week 1st June

Wednesday 27th May 2020

Hello everyone hope you are all well. This weeks theme is outside classroom so i

have added some ideas for you to complete. 

Outdoor Classroom

Ceara Bake off all donations in aid of PIPS...

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

Thank you to all who took part in the Ceara Bake off! We have raised over £600 pounds for PIPS! You are all superstars...



Take a Breath with Mrs Cordoner...

Yoga with Mrs Cordoner...

Daily Activities...


P.E. with Joe wicks @ 9am  daily link also found on this page 

Maths and Literacy from your home pack 

 Watch BBC Newsround.

 Education city activities -

 mindfulness -

 taking some pictures for your log - would love to see these when we are back at school.

remember sites like free will print these for free paying only for delivery.




Weekly Music Lessons from RiChmusicNI

Monday 18th May 2020


Good Morning everyone hope you are all well. Please find some new activities to complete this week. I will get speaking to you all at some stage during the week.

Thanks to all who has completed the bake off challenge! the competition is high but if your not in you can win.

This week is mental health awareness week and the theme is kindness! So our theme this week is looking after our mental health and being kind!

Activities filed below:


kindnessword search.pdf .pdf
mental health awareness powerpoint and activties.pptx .pptx
mental health powerpoint.ppt .ppt
mindfulness relaxing sounds.ppt .ppt

P.E with Laurence ! A simple task you can do at home with your family! 

Why not give it a go!

Monday 11th May 2020 

Good morning everyone please find some new activities for you to complete this week.  It was lovely to get speaking to some of you on the phone and glad you are all keeping well.

This week we continue the theme of Space please find activities filed below.


1.Watch the tube video ( about space and complete the solar system fact hunt

2.Complete the bubbling planets experiment and answer the bubbling planets questions

3.Give the space word search a go!

4. Don't forget to complete some of our daily activities


bubbling planets experiment.png .png
bubbling planets questions.png .png
planets comparison sheet.png .png
solar system fact hunt.png .png
space wordsearch.png .png

A message of hope from Mrs Bowles and her husband!

Previous activities.....

Welcome Back everyone please check for some new activities to complete this week.



Hello everyone please find some new activities for you to complete at home. If we where at school right now we would be starting our new topic Space! So I have added some Space themed activities this week. But feel free to complete your own research if you wish.

Do not worry if you where still completing something from last week this can be found further down this page.

This Weeks Activities  (all resources found in folder below)

Read the Story Back to earth with a bump

Complete the back to earth with a bump comprehension. (remember this can be written down or completed orally if you do not have a printer.)

Read the Space powerpoint and complete the label the planets activity

Make a space mobile - (draw your own planets if you cant print the template)

 Space Science Fun!

back to earth with a bump comprehension.pdf .pdf
back to earth with a bump powerpoint.ppt .ppt
back to earth with a bump story.pdf .pdf
label the planets activity.pdf .pdf
solar system mobile art.pdf .pdf
space powerpoint.ppt .ppt

Last weeks work just incase!


Hello Everyone I hope you all had a Nice Easter break and you are all safe and well. Please find some new activities for you to complete at home. Wednesday is Earth day so this week our theme is Recycling. Something you can all help with at home. Lets get to work in making our homes and the world a Safer greener place.

Please Email Me if you need anything or send me some work @

This weeks activities... 

 Read the story - The messy Magpie - can you look out for magpies in your garden, out your bedroom window or whilst your out on your daily walk.

Learn about recycling - read the Messy Magpie powerpoint

complete the messy magpie comprehension - if you do not have a printer you could copy this onto a page or read and write orally with your mum/dad /sister/ brother.

complete some of the activities suggested in the recycling activities word document - maybe you could make a recycling station in your home, take charge of the rubbish at home and make sure it goes in the right bin. Help to bring the bins out and in again on bin day.



messy magpie book.pdf .pdf
recycling comprehension.pdf .pdf
the messy magie pie powerpoint all about recycling.ppt .ppt
Week beginning 20th April recycling activities.docx .docx

Why not make a bird feeder to feed those magpies. you can use a recycled plastic bottle! Recycling at its best!

Weekly Art Activity

This week, try painting a Spring Nature Scene using some cotton buds.  Watch the video below to give you a step by step guide, or maybe just get some paint and some cotton buds and create your own flowers! You could also use other household items such as a sponge, toothbrush or cotton wool balls.  Have fun! 

Weekly Science Activity

Have a go at growing your own rainbow at home! All you need is some kitchen roll, some felt tip markers and some water.

Find a quiet safe place at home and take 10 minutes to practise some mindfulness 



Now for some baking... 


Homeschooling Log

free photos app

PE/Movement Break Activities


Todays PE with Joe.

Some more Ideas on keeping active - P.E

OutdoorActivityCards_ver_1.pdf .pdf
Physically Active Breaks.pptx .pptx
Roll a Workout Spinner.pdf .pdf
5 senses scavenger hunt.png .png
book scavenger hunt.png .png
garden scavenger hunt.png .png
indoor scavenger hunt.png .png
inventor scavenger hunt.png .png
maths scavenger hunt.png .png
rainbow scavenger hunt.png .png
spring scavenger hunt.png .png
martinasbuns.jpeg .jpeg
1 one to one.png .png
2 positivity.png .png
3 structure.png .png
4 bad behaviour.png .png
5 stress.png .png
6 talking about covid19.png .png